


Conch Venture Obtained Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Linxia
Date:2015-04-09 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On 15 January 2015, “The Cooperation Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Project in Linxia” was officially signed among the government in Linxia, Conch venture and Linxia Conch Cement Co. Ltd.

This project is the response to the nation’s appeal of developing circular economy to further accelerate the development of local economy to achieve the goal of harmlessness, minimization and reclamation of municipal waste disposal. Conch venture will construct a set of municipal waste incineration?system with 300t/d capacity on the cement production line of Linxia Conch Cement Co. Ltd. The level of municipal waste disposal in Linxia will be raised and the living environment will be improved after the completion of the project.

汾阳市| 德阳市| 丹江口市| 玉屏| 三明市| 六安市| 太康县| 凤台县| 托克托县| 当阳市| 曲阳县| 北流市| 永泰县| 和政县| 邻水| 宁明县| 卢氏县| 达拉特旗| 炎陵县| 托克托县| 关岭| 梅州市| 南雄市| 辉县市| 丹江口市| 乌审旗| 兴文县| 佛山市| 梅州市| 乌拉特前旗| 武穴市| 湘西| 绵竹市| 博罗县| 张家港市| 确山县| 姜堰市| 平顶山市| 上杭县| 寻乌县| 宁德市|