

公司簡(jiǎn)介 Introduction

China Conch Venture Holdings Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as "Conch Venture" or "Company") was listed on the main board of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange on December 19, 2013 (stock code: 00586.HK).The company is a large-scale enterprise group that provides a package solution for energy conservation and environmental protection. The industry involves four categories: energy conservation, environmental protection, new building materials, and port logistics.The business covers domestic waste treatment, solid waste and hazardous waste treatment, black and odorous water treatment, new building materials, port trade, waste heat power generation, high-efficiency energy-saving vertical mills, etc.

Since its listing, the company has seized the country's vigorous efforts to promote green development opportunities, and its main environmental protection business has been continuously upgraded during the transformation.The two-wheel drive of the two core environmental protection technologies of grate furnace domestic waste incineration power generation and cement kiln co-processing of industrial solid waste and hazardous waste has been formed. The industry is moving from domestic to international, and it is in a leading position in the environmental protection industry.The company has a large-scale energy-saving and environmental protection technology research and development, equipment manufacturing base in Wuhu, Anhui.It is engaged in the research and development of waste incineration treatment, solid waste and hazardous waste environmental protection equipment and supporting auxiliary equipment, and provides integrated services for project investment, design, complete equipment, construction and installation, and operation management.

In the next five years, the company will focus on the environmental protection industry, accelerate the transformation and development of energy-saving equipment manufacturing, strive to open a new phase in the new building materials industry, maintain the steady growth of port logistics business, and fully realize the "1133" development goal and the net profit over 10 billion business goal . "1133" means Solid waste and hazardous waste realized the contracted scale of 10 million tons/year, the garbage disposal realized the contracted scale of 18 million tons/year, the production and sales volume of new building materials ACA board was 31 million square meters/year, and the port logistics realized the throughput of 36 million tons/year.To become China's largest and world-leading large-scale comprehensive environmental protection enterprise group.


patented technology




Billion total assets


Number of items

組織架構 Organization

榮譽(yù)資質(zhì) Honorary

中國水泥窯協(xié)同處置技術(shù)創(chuàng )新突出貢獻獎
石河子市| 莱芜市| 馆陶县| 嵊州市| 抚远县| 东辽县| 香港| 芜湖市| 疏勒县| 西乌珠穆沁旗| 稻城县| 长葛市| 福海县| 建昌县| 定安县| 饶平县| 城口县| 肥东县| 皮山县| 友谊县| 迭部县| 金山区| 泗洪县| 海阳市| 河源市| 荥阳市| 江山市| 永昌县| 宜兰县| 黎城县| 思茅市| 满洲里市| 云梦县| 昭通市| 茂名市| 图木舒克市| 阿拉善盟| 博白县| 福建省| 广丰县| 昌都县|