


Conch Venture Obtained Waste Incineration Power Generation Project in Yanshan
Date:2015-09-15 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

In the afternoon of 16 July 2015, “The Investment Agreement about Municipal Waste Incineration Power Generation Project in Yanshan” was officially signed between the government in Yanshan and Conch venture.

The project in Yanshan will be invested by Conch Venture with great furnace technology,the designed capacity is 300t/d. Yanshan government is responsible for the organization, coordination and supervision of the collection,transfer and quantity guaranteed on the garbage confined to project service area, and giving certain subsidies. This project has significant meaning to the reduction, harmless and reclamation of the local garbage treatment, and to the improvement of the local ecological environment and the boost of the new urbanization construction.


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