


Waste Incineration Power Generation Project?in Mang city,Yunnan Province Was Signed
Date:2019-02-26 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On February 22, 2019, Conch Venture and the Mang city government successfully signed the waste incineration power generation project with a planned capacity of 600 tons/day, which will be constructed in two phases with a phase 1 of 300 tons/day. This project is the fifth waste incineration power generation project in Yunnan Province by the company following Laoshan, Songming, Baoshan, and Zhenxiong.

     The signing ceremony was held in the conference hall of government of Mang City. Li Zhaowei, deputy governor of the Dehong Prefecture People's Government, Zhao Dongmei, secretary of the Municipal Committee of Mang City, deputy secretary of the municipal party committee, mayor Mao Xiao, and deputy secretary of the municipal party committee Fu Zhengjiang attended the meeting and witnessed the signing of the contract; Ji Qinying, general manager of Conch Ventures, Han Jiwu, Wang Junxian, and Zhang Junjie attended the signing ceremony.






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