


The 75000-ton Cargo Ship Berths in Yangzhou Haichang Port
Date:2014-01-06 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

On December 28, the 7.5 tons panamax ship named ”SHI DAI 2” has succeeded in loading 52000 tons of coal and berthing in 3 # berth of YZ port. The ship’s length reaches 225 meters and it is the largest tonnage since YZ port was opened.

The owner of cargo is Anhui Energy Electric Group. The” SHI DAI 2” ship will berth 38 hours in YZ port. Its successful berthing marks YZ port further enhances at large discharge capacity, and steps closer to modern large port enterprises.

The total length of YZ port is 795 meters, which has three berths with capacity of 50000 tons (it can also stop cargo ships with capacity of 70000 tons ).Since 2011,the company focused on enhancing ?ability of the loading and unloading .By optimizing the production process , YZ port continuously improves the efficiency of loading and unloading ,and port throughput increases steadily. In 2013, the port throughput achieved 19 million tons, with growing by 73% year on year .Especially in December, the company’s physical ton and throughput reached 1 million and 1.9 million tons , which refreshed a new record.


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