


Conch Venture successfully held the fifth meeting of the third board of directors
Date:2021-03-31 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

        On March 29, 2021, the fifth board meeting of the third term of Conch Venture was held in Conference Room 533 of Conch International Conference Center. The meeting was presided over by Chairman Guo Jingbin. Executive Director and General Manager Ji Qinying, Executive Director and Deputy General Manager Li Jian and Li Daming attended the meeting on-site.Affected by the epidemic prevention and control, independent non-executive directors Chan Chi On, Chan Kai Wing, and Lau Chi Wah, and non-executive director Chang Zhangli participated in the conference via remote video. Deputy General Managers Wang Xuesen, Han Jiwu, Shumao and Zhang Keke, Chief Financial Officer Chen Xingqiang and heads of related departments attended the meeting as non-voting delegates.


        The meeting reviewed and passed 15 proposals including the company's 2020 audited financial report, performance announcement, annual report, environmental, social and governance report, profit distribution plan, reappointment of auditors, continuing connected transactions, risk management and internal control reports,re-election of directors, establishment of strategic sustainability and risk management committee, adjustment of remuneration and nomination committee members, revision of the "Terms of Reference of the Audit Committee of the Board of Directors", notice of the annual general meeting and shareholder circular.

        Prior to the board meeting, the audit committee, remuneration and nomination committee meetings were also held to review and approve related matters.

        At the meeting of the board of directors, General Manager Ji Qinying delivered the 2020 general manager report on behalf of the company's management.


        At the meeting, the participating directors carefully reviewed the relevant proposals, fully discussed the relevant content, and put forward reasonable suggestions and requirements based on the company's specific conditions.

        Chairman Guo Jingbin expressed his heartfelt thanks to the directors for their suggestions on behalf of the company and summarized the meeting.


        He said that in 2020, the company's environmental protection industry project development exceeded expectations, and the continuous exploration of non-kiln new business areas in the solid waste disposal sector began to bear fruit, becoming a new highlight of the company's 2020 environmental protection industry strategic layout. At the same time, the ability to acquire high-quality projects in the waste disposal sector has been continuously improved, and the expansion of domestic and foreign markets has continued to deepen.

        2021 is a critical year for the company to complete its five-year plan. The company will firmly focus on its original intention and mission in the field of ecological environment, closely follow relevant national policy deployment and spiritual guidance, and adhere to two-wheel drive as the core,accelerate the promotion of strategic upgrading and high-quality development, grasp the national "14th Five-Year Plan" and global green and low-carbon development opportunities, and move forward with a more enterprising spirit and innovative ability, enter a new journey, and reach a new level!

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