


The Results Presentation Roadshow of Conch Venture Was Held in Hong Kong
Date:2015-09-15 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)

2014, Conch Venture has achieved outstanding performance in many aspects, such as internal management, projects development, construction, research, business expansion and etc. by focusing on accelerating the development of environmental-protection industry, improving the leading technology of energy-saving and environmental-protection, exploring and developing new types of business modes and further enhancing management level. Conch Venture recorded turnover of RMB 1,750 million, representing an increase of 9.8% as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. Profit before tax amounted to RMB 2,480 million, representing an increase of20.95% as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year. Net profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company amounted to RMB 2,240 million and net profits from principal businesses attributable to the Company amounted to RMB 260 million, representing increases of 21.9% and 126.5% as compared with the corresponding period of the previous year,respectively.?

The results drew widely market attention once had released. To demonstrate the outstanding operation results and the prospect of each business segment. On 25 March 2015, Conch Venture presented its 2014 annual results in Hong Kong JW Marriot Hotel, chairman Mr Guo Jingbin, execuitve director and general manager Mr Ji Qinying, company secretary Mr Shu Mao and deputy director of financial department Mr Chen Xingqiang attended the meeting. Almost a hundred investors and analysists attended the meeting where no one empty seat was left.

?Mr Ji Qinying introduced 2014 annual results and recent situation of company’s production and operation.

Conch Venture achieved remarkable results in 2014, which obtained the appraise and recognition of investors. Although, they paid much more attention on company’s development in future, they were questioning about development strategy of company in future.

The chairman Guo answered the above questions patiently by analysing current policies of China, tendency of energy-saving and environmental-protection industry and strategy adopted by company.

By the end of the meeting, investors were still lingering around. They communicated with company’s high level to understand the deeper situation of company’s development.

From 25 to 27 March, company held 15 one to one presentation meetings with institutional investors such as JP Morgan, Bahraini Asset Management, Norges Bank, Black Rock and Capital?Research.

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