


Conch Ventures was shortlisted in the list of China's top 500 companies by market capitalization, ranking 254th
Date:2019-07-09 From:海螺創(chuàng)業(yè)


In the first half of 2019, the market value of Chinese companies was determined in the middle of the year. With a total market value of RMB 43.8 billion, Conch Ventures was once again shortlisted in the list of China's top 500 companies, ranking 254, an increase of 7; ranked 35th in the GICS industry (industrial), and ranked 3rd in Anhui enterprises.

As of the end of June, the total market value of the top 500 listed companies in China was about 57.9 trillion yuan, an increase of 20.6% over the 48 trillion yuan at the end of last year, which was slightly higher than the increase in the Shanghai Stock Index (19.5%) over the same period. 




Top 10 listed companies headquartered in Anhui, Conch Venture ranked third.


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